Why Accounting Internships Perfectly Complement an Education

Why Accounting Internships Perfectly Complement an Education

High school and university students are understandably focused on their scores and their studies.

While they harbour ambitions to pursue a career in accounting, are they in a position to apply for and attend accounting internships?

Thankfully there are many case studies that illustrate the idea is not only viable, but highly advised.

Before ruling out the concept, it is helpful to establish why accounting internships are actually perfect opportunities to complement an ongoing education.

Flexible Program Scheduling

One of the key reasons why accounting internships are able to perfectly link in with an educational requirement is that these initiatives are rarely static in their scheduling. In most environments, they will offer opportunities across summer, spring, autumn and winter. There will always be an appetite to have young, hungry and aspiring practitioners learn their trade and get involved with the business on the ground, so there are no concerns around conceding an education when the opportunity should arise.

Learning Valuable Accounting Practice Insights

At the end of the day, the purpose of both an education in high school and university as well as through accounting internships is to upskill the individual. As important as credentials are on paper, participants have to showcase that they have a wide range of skills to deliver to an organisation. This will apply to analysis of data, critical thinking, proficiency in software, time management capabilities, knowledge of business practices and more. Getting involved with these programs helps to extend those features and test them.

Connecting With Mentors & Peers

Accounting internships

Young students who are looking to balance their studies with an accounting program opportunity will find that their professional relationships are improved tenfold. It is impossible to develop those contacts in the classroom and lecture halls. In this environment, there will be peers and mentors who can guide participants through the requirements of the job and detail their progression from student to full-time employee or manager.

Putting Theory Into Practice

Being able to study the field of accounting is far from an easy task. Given the depth of industry competition, the grades that students score help to secure them openings that can be exploited. With this being said, the use of accounting internships will balance that intellectual property (IP) by putting the theory into practice. How can financial analysis of profit and loss statements work for a commercial client? Can a report meet a deadline? Without being placed in a position that is outside of the comfort zone, those theories won’t be truly tested.

Selecting Any Number of Program Options

A key reason why accounting internships are able to perfectly complement an ongoing education will be the freedom of options that happens to be extending to young people. From the high-end firms that continue to outline program options to local outlets that encourage participants to really get involved across a raft of practices, the only limitations will be for students that don’t make themselves available based on location suitability and timing. This is beneficial for young operators who might want to opt for one side of the spectrum, or to engage both at different times.

Progressing The Resume

By taking a step back from the process and looking at the advantages that are delivered through accounting internships, it is clear to see that these ventures offer a tactical opportunity to improve the resume. While high scores for a high school certificate (HSC) and university degree will be essential, employers are often looking for more. By working outside of the comfort zone and showing that individuals can strike a balance between study and interning, they are elevating their prospects.